Manuscript submission
General considerations for the submission of manuscripts
- a) First page. Must include:
- Title: in Spanish or English (must be short and clear, with a 15-word length as a maximum)
- Short title: in Spanish or English (with a 5-word length as a maximum)
- Author identification: put the first and last names of the authors, only one institutional affiliation and one academic affiliation (include city and country), profession and their highest academic degree. Additionally, the e-mail address and ORCID code for each author must be included.
- Mailing: the address, telephone number and e-mail address of the corresponding author must be included. They will be the contact throughout the editorial process and later publishing of the article.
- Funding source(s): indicate if the work was self-financed or funded by an institution.
- Authors’ contributions. The participation of each author must be stated for all stages of the study: design, data collection, data analysis, writing, manuscript revision and final draft approval.
- Declare the authors’ conflicts of interest.
- Optionally, the acknowledgements and their motivations may be consigned.
- b) Manuscript format
The submission format must be a Word file, A4 size, with a 2,5cm margin, Arial font 11 point double-spaced. The maximum length according to the type of article is the indicated in the article structure item.
- c) Tables and figures
The tables can be placed at the end of the manuscript, numbered consecutively. The figures employed must be sent as individual files and in an editable format for later edition, for layout purposes. In both cases, the references to tables and figures must be included in the content of the manuscript.
Tables: they must contain the necessary information, both in the content and in the title, so it can be interpreted without recurring to the text. They must be organized in Arabic numbers and in Word or Excel format. The table footnotes must include the meanings of all abbreviations and symbols used.
Figures: they will be accepted in TIFF or JPG formats, with a resolution higher than 600 dpi or 300 pixels, numbered consecutively. Figures will include statistical graphs, diagrams, maps, photographs or charts.
The statistical graphs and flow diagrams can be presented in Excel format or in the statistical packages employed. Captions for microphotographs must indicate the augmentation and coloring method. In figures where the faces of patients are shown, a dark stripe must be placed over their eyes to avoid the patient identification. In addition to this, the authors must attach the signed authorization of the patient or their legal representative giving consent for the publication of their photos. In case a figure was published before, its origin must be stated and written permission from the copyright holder.
- d) Bibliographic references
In accordance with ICMJE norms (, the Vancouver method will be used. References must be in the text in superscript between parentheses and organized consecutively as they appear in the text. In case there are over six writers in a reference, the first six will be named, followed by et al. Likewise, if available, the DOI number must be included at the end of each reference.
- Style considerations
The journal uses the International Unit System. To separate decimals, commas will be used for the Spanish version and periods for English. The scientific names of species must be written in cursive. When abbreviations are used, the meaning must be included between parentheses after its first mention. Percentages must include only one decimal (30,1%) for association measures such as OR, and, in the case of confidence intervals, the use of two decimals is advised (OR: 2,15; IC 95%: 1,10-3,41). For p values, the use of three decimals is advised (p=0,009). When referencing multiple authors in the body of the article, include the last name of the first author followed by et al.